You can mix up your butt / leg day workouts by adding some glute activation exercises that really help to switch your perky booty on during a workout. You can do these bum exercises at the start of your gym routine to help warm up your glutes specifically before exercising. This will help to make sure that the right muscles are engaged throughout the main workout and keep them fired up! Alternatively, add these simple moves to the end of the session to really feel the booty burn!! Don't be deceived, they may look like simple body weight exercises but these will set your butt on fire and would even be great to do at home! Incorporate these bum exercises into your morning home workout to get a great booty burn from the comfort of your own home!
Perform all of the exercises back to back on one leg. Once you have completed all exercises swap to the other leg (no rest). Do 20 reps per leg x 5 (you will be all set for that perky booty in no time!):
For example:
20 Fire Hydrant
20 Lateral Kick Outs
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
Swap legs no rest
20 Fire Hydrant
20 Lateral Kick Outs
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
60 secs rest - repeat x 5

Fire Hydrant
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
With a 90 degree angle at the knee, raise one leg out to the side as high as you can. Keep the core tight throughout the movement.
Lower the leg to the starting position and repeat.

Donkey Kick
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
Kick one leg back and drive the heel up towards the ceiling, maintaining a 90 degree angle at the knee.
Squeeze at the top and then lower to the starting position.
Do not let your knee touch the ground before repeating the movement.
Keep the core tight throughout and try not to rock the body as the leg moves.

Lateral Kick Outs
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
Bend one knee and bring it in towards your chest (starting position).
Keeping the abs tight kick the leg straight out to the side in line with the hip and parallel to the floor, feet flat with toes pointing forwards.
Bring the knee back in to the starting position and then repeat. Try to keep your arms straight and core tight throughout.

Single Leg Glute Bridge
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms down by your sides.
Drive through the heels and lift your butt off the ground, keeping the upper body on the floor.
Raise one foot off the floor and extend the leg towards the ceiling with a flat foot (starting position). Use your hands to maintain stability at your sides.
Keeping one leg straight in the air, lower your butt to just above the ground and then drive through the foot that is planted on the floor to raise your butt back up as high as you can, squeezing your glutes at the top.
Repeat the movement for 20 reps.

Exercise and Nutrition are key to growing your glutes!
It is important to pair your workouts with enough food to see your glutes grow! Be mindful to consume more energy dense foods and good quality protein sources such as lean chicken, nuts and tofu. Post workout, consume a high protein shake using our Whey Protein Concentrate or Slender Blend. However, for more information on how to eat best to build your glutes, check out this article: Fuel Your Booty With Breakfast!

You can mix up your butt / leg day workouts by adding some glute activation exercises that really help to switch your butt on during a workout. You can do these at the start to help warm up your glutes specifically before exercising, which will help to make sure that they are engaged throughout your workout. Alternatively, add these to the end of the session to really feel the burn!! Don't be deceived, they may look like simple body weight exercises but these will set your butt on fire!
Perform all of the exercises back to back on one leg. Once you have completed all exercises swap to the other leg (no rest). Do 20 reps per leg x 5:
For example:
20 Fire Hydrant
20 Lateral Kick Outs
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
Swap legs no rest
20 Fire Hydrant
20 Lateral Kick Outs
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
60 secs rest - repeat x 5

Fire Hydrant
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
With a 90 degree angle at the knee, raise one leg out to the side as high as you can. Keep the core tight throughout the movement.
Lower the leg to the starting position and repeat.

Donkey Kicks
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
Kick one leg back and drive the heel up towards the ceiling, maintaining a 90 degree angle at the knee.
Squeeze at the top and then lower to the starting position.
Do not let your knee touch the ground before repeating the movement.
Keep the core tight throughout and try not to rock the body as the leg moves.

Lateral Kicks
Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
Bend one knee and bring it in towards your chest (starting position).
Keeping the abs tight kick the leg straight out to the side in line with the hip and parallel to the floor, feet flat with toes pointing forwards.
Bring the knee back in to the starting position and then repeat.
Try to keep your arms straight and core tight throughout.

Single Leg Glute Bridge
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms down by your sides.
Drive through the heels and lift your butt off the ground, keeping the upper body on the floor.
Raise one foot off the floor and extend the leg towards the ceiling with a flat foot (starting position). Use your hands to maintain stability at your sides.
Keeping one leg straight in the air, lower your butt to just above the ground and then drive through the foot that is planted on the floor to raise your butt back up as high as you can, squeezing your glutes at the top.
Repeat the movement for 20 reps.

Exercise and Nutrition are key to growing your glutes!
It is important to pair your workouts with enough food to see your glutes grow! Be mindful to consume more energy dense foods and good quality protein sources such as lean chicken, nuts and tofu. Post workout, consume a high protein shake using our Whey Protein Concentrate or Slender Blend. However, for more information on how to eat best to build your glutes, check out this article: Fuel Your Booty With Breakfast!

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