5 Best Exercises for your Legs (hamstrings and Quads)
A symmetrical, attractive physique is something you can only get by doing your leg day routine.
Ready to achieve your goal? Here is your leg workout to build bulk!


A. Stiff Leg deadlift with dumbbells -1 warm up set and 3 working sets of 12 Reps (rest 60-90 secs)
Let’s get going!
Direction: Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart with an overhand grasp on a barbell (palms facing you). Your knees should be slightly bent, and you should try to keep them that way throughout the movement.
Maintaining a straight back, descend the barbell while bending at the hips. Slowly straighten yourself back up after lowering until you feel a stretch in your glutes and hamstrings. All throughout, maintain the bar close to your body and move slowly and deliberately.

B. Lying Leg Curl -1 warm up set and 3 working sets of 12 Reps (rest 60-90 secs)

C. Goblet Squats -5 sets of 20 Reps (rest 60-90 secs)
Equipment needed: Dumbbells

D. Leg Extensions - 1 warmup set and 3 working sets of 12 Reps (Rest 60-90 secs)

E. Lunges with dumbbells- 4 sets of 15 lunges each leg (Rest 60-90 secs)