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Want to whittle your waist and sculpt your abs in time for bikini season? Planks are an exercise that will not only help to strengthen your core but also work your entire body. Granted, they are not the most exciting to perform, however we’ve brought you some fun plank variations to add into your ab routine to help change up your workout and sculpt your waistline.

The Straight Arm Plank

The standard plank position is not only a tough exercise to work the core but also engages the whole body including shoulders, back, legs and glutes. Aim to increase the amount of time that you can hold this position to build a solid core that will also help with balance, stability and strength when performing other exercise moves.

• Lie on the floor with legs out straight, toes tucked under
• Your elbows should be bent with palms flat on the floor directly under shoulders
• Contract your abs then straighten your arms and lift your body
• Maintain a neutral spine, abs engaged throughout so that you are in a straight line from head to toe.

Become a plank pro with these variations on the standard position. Add the moves together to create a plank circuit, or pick your favourites and incorporate them into your regular routine to keep things fresh and avoid an exercise plateau.

Plank Jacks

These are great to increase the heart rate and add a cardio element to your plank whilst working the whole body.

• Start in a straight arm plank position
• Your elbows should be bent with palms flat on the floor directly under shoulders
• Keep the core tight and jump both legs out to the side (similar to a jumping jack motion)
• Jump the feet back in to the centre and repeat
• Try to keep the hips stable and maintain a straight light throughout the upper body

plank variations for sculpted abs plank variations for sculpted abs

Plank Knee to Elbow

This move is a great plank variation and will help to target the abs and obliques, building stability whilst sculpting your waist.

• Start in a straight arm plank position
• Bend the right knee and bring it out to the side of your body to touch your right elbow
• Return to the start position and repeat on the opposite side
• Try not to rock your body, your arms should remain in the same position bringing knee to elbow

plank variations plank variations for sculpted abs

Plank with Squat Thrust (side – side)

Another great cardio abs move for a total body workout that will not only help to burn fat but also strengthen the whole core whilst targeting the glutes, quads and hamstrings.

• Start in a straight arm plank position
• Engage the core and jump both feet together to the outside of the right hand
• Jump the feet back to the starting plank position and then repeat on the left side
• Try to jump the feet as close to the hands as you can

plank variations plank variations for sculpted abs

Plank Hip Dips

Carve out the waistline and improve endurance with this move that hits the abs, back and core.

• Start in a straight arm plank position
• Maintaining a tight core rotate the spine to drop your hips down to the right side to lightly touch the floor
• Return to the starting position and then repeat on the other side
• Keep the upper body strong and abs engaged throughout

plank variations plank variations for sculpted abs

Commando Plank

Get a rock solid core whilst sculpting your shoulders and arms. This plank variation means your summer body in sight!

• Start in a straight arm plank position
• Drop your right forearm so that it is flat on the floor, followed by the left (forearm plank position)
• Place your right palm flat on the floor and push up so your arm is straight, then follow with your left (straight arm plank position)


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