Dry Jan- whether you’re partaking in this annual tradition or not, we all know after the festive period our body needs some sort of a break. Whether that comes in the form of avoiding alcohol completely for a month or just toning it down, we at Protein World know that as far as monthly abstinence campaigns go, this one is definitely worth it.
Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact our health in many ways from increasing our risk of developing heart disease, to increasing both our blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Some studies suggest that it can even increase the risk of breast cancer in women and can cause significant metabolic stress on the liver for both sexes. Reducing your alcohol intake for 1 month won’t have a huge effect on these problems but by decreasing the amount you drink in general over a longer period of time certainly will. All the more reason to let Dry January be the start of a slightly “dryer” year in general!

The more immediate effects of Dry January are limitless from less sleep disruption, to fat loss due to decrease calorie consumption to increased well-being and higher energy levels. This boost in energy can have a snowball affect getting us in the gym early or out on that weekend park run, and when you work out you are more likely to stick to your January diet resolutions! If that wasn’t enough it can also have a positive effect on your immune system leaving you less likely to have to take a sick day. What more could you want!
For those not wanting to cut alcohol out completely we suggest making sure that you stick within the necessary guideline of consuming no more than 14 units of alcohol throughout the week. To give you an idea, your average bottle of wine is approximately 10 units so that would equate to a small glass of wine each night. That way you can still go out for a drink with your friends, enjoy the odd glass of wine in front of the fire or toast to those January birthday celebrations.

Why not treat yourself to a stylish water bottle? This way you can reward yourself for attempting a dry Jan, whilst staying hydrated, which as a result will help to aid weight loss and keep your body functioning optimally.
If there’s one thing we can promise, it’s that a bottle of Prosecco a day certainly does not keep the doctor away so this January ditch, or at least reduce the booze intake, and reap the plethora of health benefits helping you to really kickstart 2019 the right way! For help in getting started on your healthy eating regime check out the Slender Plan, a 4 week plan designed to add structure to your daily routine to help get you back on track!

Dry Jan- whether you’re partaking in this annual tradition or not, we all know after the festive period our body needs some sort of a break. Whether that comes in the form of avoiding alcohol completely for a month or just toning it down, we at Protein World know that as far as monthly abstinence campaigns go, this one is definitely worth it.
Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact our health in many ways from increasing our risk of developing heart disease, to increasing both our blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Some studies suggest that it can even increase the risk of breast cancer in women and can cause significant metabolic stress on the liver for both sexes. Reducing your alcohol intake for 1 month won’t have a huge effect on these problems but by decreasing the amount you drink in general over a longer period of time certainly will. All the more reason to let Dry January be the start of a slightly “dryer” year in general!

The more immediate effects of Dry January are limitless from less sleep disruption, to fat loss due to decrease calorie consumption to increased well-being and higher energy levels. This boost in energy can have a snowball affect getting us in the gym early or out on that weekend park run, and when you work out you are more likely to stick to your January diet resolutions! If that wasn’t enough it can also have a positive effect on your immune system leaving you less likely to have to take a sick day. What more could you want!
For those not wanting to cut alcohol out completely we suggest making sure that you stick within the necessary guideline of consuming no more than 14 units of alcohol throughout the week. To give you an idea, your average bottle of wine is approximately 10 units so that would equate to a small glass of wine each night. That way you can still go out for a drink with your friends, enjoy the odd glass of wine in front of the fire or toast to those January birthday celebrations.

Why not treat yourself to a stylish water bottle? This way you can reward yourself for attempting a dry Jan, whilst staying hydrated, which as a result will help to aid weight loss and keep your body functioning optimally.
If there’s one thing we can promise, it’s that a bottle of Prosecco a day certainly does not keep the doctor away so this January ditch, or at least reduce the booze intake, and reap the plethora of health benefits helping you to really kickstart 2019 the right way! For help in getting started on your healthy eating regime check out the Slender Plan, a 4 week plan designed to add structure to your daily routine to help get you back on track!