shape your bikini body


Summer season is fast approaching and many of you will probably be starting to think about getting in shape. We have come up with three short workouts focusing on trimming those key bikini body parts!

For all workouts, work for 30 seconds and rest for 15 seconds in between each exercise. After one complete round of all four exercises, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

1. Inner Thighs

Prisoner Squats
Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, placing both hands on the back of your head. Squat down to a 90-degree bend in the knees and ensure knees point outwards rather than inwards. Extend back up and repeat.

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Bunny Hops In and Out
Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart and interlock both hands in front of you. Squat down to a 90-degree bend in the knees and jump up extending legs. Land with feet closer together (inside shoulders) and squat again down to 90-degrees. Explode up again and land with feet in the wider position. Alternate between wide and close feet stance.

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Alternating Reverse Lunges
Start in a standing position with feet inside shoulders and hands on hips. Keeping hands on hips, lunge backwards whilst maintaining a 90-degree bend in the front leg. The lunging leg should also have a 90-degree bend, with your knee parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and alternative between legs.

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Donkey Kick Side-Leg
Start with knees and hands on the floor, keeping your back straight and parallel to the floor. Lift on leg up and kick out sideways. Alternate with other leg after every five kicks.

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Shape your bikini body




Summer season is fast approaching and many of you will probably be starting to think about getting in shape. We have come up with three short workouts focusing on trimming those key bikini body parts!

For all workouts, work for 30 seconds and rest for 15 seconds in between each exercise. After one complete round of all four exercises, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

1. Inner Thighs

Prisoner Squats
Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, placing both hands on the back of your head. Squat down to a 90-degree bend in the knees and ensure knees point outwards rather than inwards. Extend back up and repeat.

Prisoner squats


Bunny Hops In and Out
Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart and interlock both hands in front of you. Squat down to a 90-degree bend in the knees and jump up extending legs. Land with feet closer together (inside shoulders) and squat again down to 90-degrees. Explode up again and land with feet in the wider position. Alternate between wide and close feet stance.

Bunny hops in and out


Alternating Reverse Lunges
Start in a standing position with feet inside shoulders and hands on hips. Keeping hands on hips, lunge backwards whilst maintaining a 90-degree bend in the front leg. The lunging leg should also have a 90-degree bend, with your knee parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and alternative between legs.

Alternating reverse lunges


Donkey Kick Side-Leg
Start with knees and hands on the floor, keeping your back straight and parallel to the floor. Lift on leg up and kick out sideways. Alternate with other leg after every five kicks.

Donkey side kicks