The Shred Plan

The Shred Plan
Getting “shredded” and losing fat can be a challenging goal, but it can also be very rewarding. A well-planned fat loss plan can help you shed excess fat, improve your body composition, and boost your overall health and well-being.
Whey Protein Concentrate
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Product Description
Whey Protein Concentrate, Fat Metabolisers, Carb Blockers, Premium CLA, Multivitamins, Slender X and Deep Sleep (please refer to individual product pages for more information)
Example Day
Wake up: Take a 5g serving of Slender X (half a scoop)
Walk for 20 minutes or any other type of exercise to get your heart rate up
40 minute workout with weights
Breakfast: Protein shake with some fruit and take 1 Premium CLA
30 mins before lunch: Take 2 Carb Blocker capsules with a glass of water
Lunch: Protein shake with a small chicken salad and take 2 Multivitamin capsules
After lunch: Take 1 Fat Metaboliser capsule
30 mins before dinner: Take 2 Carb Blocker capsules with a glass of water
Dinner: Steak and sweet potatoes with green vegetables and take 1 Premium CLA
45 minutes before bed: Take 4 Deep Sleep capsules

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