Quick & Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss
One of the hardest parts about weight loss is finding tasty snacks between meals that aren't going to completely derail your clean eating efforts. Try these 5 healthy snacks that are low in calories and are so tasty that you'll forgot that they're also really healthy!
Greek or Natural Yogurt with Berries
Yoghurt is a great option for a snack as it is high in protein, calcium and can be the perfect base to a wide variety of toppings. Berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants around. You'll get a good variety of antioxidants if you consume a mixture of different coloured berries such as raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. To keep this snack low in calories but high in protein, add a handful of berries to 100 grams of 0% fat plain yogurt and top with some zero calorie syrup extra sweetness without the calories!

Protein Shake
A protein shake is a good option when you need something substantial to keep you going until your next meal. A protein shake is very filling and makes a useful addition to your diet if you're looking to lose weight although be sure to opt for a shake with no added sugar. The great news about protein shakes is that there are so many options to choose from which suit your dietary choices and lifestyle.
The Slender Blend is a whey protein shake made from grass fed whey and has 10 flavours to choose from meaning you can satisfy your sweet craving with a shake rather than your favourite chocolate bar. A 40g serving of the Slender Blend contains 179kcals and 25g protein which will keep you satisfied until lunch! You can also opt for a vegan protein shake; The Vegan Blend which is made from a blend of hemp, quinoa and pea protein providing you with a 26g protein hit per serving. Eating more protein also helps to keep your hunger a bay and satiety high to help you reduce your calorie intake, meaning that you will be on your way to loosing weight.
Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
Apples are high in fibre and antioxidants which will help keep you full, improve gut health and risk of diseases. Look for a peanut butter with no added sugars or oils as this will cut out any excess calories. A small apple with 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter comes in at under 200 calories.

Mixed Nuts
Nuts are an ideal nutritious snack. They have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease prevent certain cancers and depression. Despite being relatively high in healthy fats, they are very filling and a 28g serving is approx. 180kcal. They taste great and don’t require any preparation so they are perfect for carrying with you so you don’t get tempted to buy an unhealthy snack!
Coconut and Lemon Snowballs
Get creative with your snacks and try this protein ball recipe using our Slender Blend:
• 100g shredded coconut + some extra for rolling
• 50g ground almonds
• 3 tbsp natural honey
• 4 scoops Vanilla Slender Blend
• 1 tbsp organic raw cold pressed coconut oil (flat)
• 1 lemon, zest + juice
Makes 12 balls and only 123kcal a ball!